About Vienna Acoustics
Team spirit underlies all of our work at Vienna Acoustics
Team spirit underlies all of our work at Vienna Acoustics, but when it comes right down to it, we achieve outstanding results because we are passionate.
About what? Music, music, and music.
Vienna Acoustics loudspeakers are the embodiment of our passion, our self-realization brought to life in loudspeakers that bend technology to the service of music. Maybe it’s the ambience of our town Vienna, where music is always in the air – the concerts, the marvellous sound of the Goldener Musikvereinssaal, the jazz clubs, the dance clubs. Certainly Vienna is and has been an inspiration for artists; its musical heritage is overwhelming. No other city can lay claim to being the birthplace of western classical music. Mozart, Beethoven, Strauss, Schoenberg . . . the list goes on and on. Virtually every composer of significance has been drawn to Vienna, much as we have, for its richly musical backdrop. Today, Vienna remains the „City of Music,“ as the finest orchestras in the world bring their sonic delights to a populace at once critical and enthusiastic.
We feel lucky to be able to relish all these musical offerings, and to combine these experiences with our work. Nothing is more important for us than your recognition of our commitment and talent in the sound, innovation, and quality of our speakers. This website contains comprehensive background information, but only hearing Vienna Acoustics products in person, for yourself, can demonstrate with real immediacy what makes our speakers so special. Our efforts focus on each individual product, to ensure that every one of our customers will get the masterpiece the designer intended, wherever she or he unpacks a Vienna Acoustics speaker.
Founded in 1989, Vienna Acoustics has been hand crafting loudspeakers of distinction in Vienna, Austria for over thirty years now.
Today as in the early beginnings, Vienna Acoustics is characterized by founder and chief designer, Peter Gansterer.
A great loudspeaker is a synthesis of the arts. It’s an organic whole, whose sound derives from the harmony of countless sound-determinating parameters in combination, mirroring the composition of the truly harmonic high-end system of which it is a vital component.

Peter Gansterer understands this like no one else. Peter is a passionate devotee of music and its reproduction who came of age in Vienna, Austria, where he studied acoustical engineering.
Through his studies of the great concert halls of Vienna, Peter came to understand the dynamics of live music and, in a unique case of reverse engineering, develops loudspeaker designs that uncannily reproduce that experience.
Successfully combining the individual characteristics of a loudspeaker’s many parts, the heart of design work, is a task of such complexity that it falls into the realm of an art: it´s like crafting,
tuning, and balancing a fine musical instrument. Only a very few people are gifted with such a talent.
Over the years, Vienna Acoustics speakers have secured a commanding place in the world market.
Our motto is team spirit, but the complex art of design falls to one exceptionally talented man.